Now that we have established why we need adventure in our lives, discovered our adventure personality and committed to shaking things up a tad...what is next? Time to break out the good china!
That’s right I said it…
Many of us are taking time this week to plan adventures for our loved ones..but when was the last time you planned something JUST FOR YOU? Isn’t it high time that we begin to recognize that WE are worthy of adventures too? What is it that we are waiting for? ! The perfect moment, the perfect person, the perfect time...perfect doesn't exist darlin'...but you do. You are perfect in the here and now and are totally worthy of using the good plates!
And no, we do NOT have to spend a bunch of money (if any at all), we do NOT need to take a week off of work and we do NOT need travel to Zimbabwe to embrace the adventure that is our life. We can begin by dusting the cobwebs off some of the things right around us. So go ahead, pick your mood, and adventure away girl!
DAREDEVIL - Take the Pinterest Challenge. Now is your chance to go crazy with the glue gun, uncover the hidden secret to royal icing or learn to use that hand sander you got for Christmas (that you totally asked for btw). So here you go, scan your saved pins from last year, turn up the soundtrack to your favorite Disney movie and bake them cookies, make that wine harvest table or turn all of your t-shirts into a quilt...go get em!
TRAILBLAZER - Rearrange a room and/or reorganize a space. Please note, I am not suggesting you go out and purchase an entire living room suite. As a matter of fact, the real challenge lies in using only what you already have lying around your house. Whether you go all out and hit that room you’ve been eying for months, finally organize your laundry area or pull out one of grandma’s hankies to use as a is the time to highlight your existing treasures and allow them to breathe some new life into you...just do it!
EXPLORER - Relive your favorite adventure memory. Here's how...set the mood, grab that journal you have memory never opened, find your favorite pen, put on your grandaddy’s hat and your grandma’s boa, turn up the soundtrack to Indiana Jones (or whatever makes you feel adventurous) and allow yourself to truly remember the last time or your favorite time you had an adventure of any kind...let yourself go!
Whichever you choose, be sure to share your experience on our adventure forum and be entered to win the ADVENTURE BAG GIVEAWAY. By sharing our experiences, we can learn and grow together, infusing each other with the strength we need to keep on keeping on. Til next week you mighty adventurer you...