Was it as hard for you as it was for me? Good golly Miss Molly, my brain was firing off like the fireworks in the video. What do you do to calm the voices in YOUR head?
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Oh yeah, essential oils, that is a GREAT tip...they absolutely take the edge off and help speed the tab closing portion of those 30 seconds (15 for the master breathers out there). I like the idea of singing as well, but I'd have to be careful it wasn't something that took me back into my head. Worship music can be a great way to induce breath. Our worship team at church has a new CD coming out called The Calm...pretty sure that will be going in my "breathe bag" (oh ladies, I see a merch opportunity here).
I am such an essential oil junkie. I have, for many years, grabbed some rosemary or neroli or eucalyptus or what I have on my desk - take a pause and breathe. makes me smile, removes the edge from the moment and I regroup in about 15 seconds. If I were gifted with the voices of my children, I might sing for a moment, but I learned to breathe and says Thanks.