30 Days to a Better Us starts TOMORROW! If you are just joining us, no problem at all...there is no reason you can’t just hop in right where you are. Whether you jump in on July 1, July 22 or somewhere in the distant future, one small step in the right direction today can be the catalyst for a greater tomorrow...so WHY WAIT?! To help you make the most of your commitment, here are 3 Ways to Rock YOUR #SummerReboot:
Keep a journal - What did you do? How did it make you feel? You don’t have to go to in-depth writing everyday, but these are you trackables…you could even add notes to the calendar on your phone...whatever works best for you.
Bring a Friend - We are much more likely to “finish” when we hold ourselves accountable to someone else. This could also be a wonderfully unique way to connect and grow with a long lost friend or relative. Frankly, I’m holding myself accountable to all of you...in public even...it may not be perfect, but girl I’m doin’ it!
Join the Conversation - Log in on our new website to register for your daily reboot lessons, then join our tribe to read, write and share stories with dozens of other people walking this out right along with you.
In her book Daring Greatly (which may may totally walk through together very soon), Brene Brown says “vulnerability is at the core, the heart, the epicenter of human experiences.” I want that with all of you, but I would have never have had the courage without a woman names Lisa sharing her story (and that book) with me.
So… go login and watch your email for Sunday at 7am for our first personal challenge. For hints about upcoming challenges, silly bloopers and more real stuff follow me on Snapchat at JoRiveraFL. #SummerReboot
Think you might have missed something? No worries, check the Summer Reboot category for all posts/resources and materials AND/OR schedule your own reboot today!