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Guilt, Goals & Giveaways

Writer's picture: JoeyJoey


I would be lying to you if I said I wasn’t finishing up a pint of Chubby Hubby at this exact second. I would be lying if I said, I didn’t take my shirt off while doing yoga in an empty house today (of course I kept on my sports bra, don’t be weird). I would also be lying if I said I wasn’t fantasizing about a jalapeno margarita served beachside, directly following a massage and deluxe pedicure...BECAUSE, my kids went back to school today...and I am definitely feeling some kinda way about it.

It is the end of summer! I’m not sure this was ever really a recognized holiday in my world until my very first summer as a mom...with seven children all returning to school after several hot months of being at home, everyday, all the time. Even still, it is something to be THIS excited about? But, the ice cream, this is not excitement. This is full on guilt...guilt for being so dadgum excited that I danced in the hallway like a crazy person before celebrating with an hour of the bathtub! I do not think we are supposed to be THIS excited when our kids go back to school.

(Putting the ice cream away) But aren’t we?! This is not only a fresh start for is one for us as well! We now have the ability to set the stage for our day, rather than having it dictated by kids activities, outings or supply gathering. We now have “a reason” to get up early and jump start our day (yes girl, use your kids as motivation if you have to). We now have no excuse to produce at our highest level of performance, because that is exactly what we expect from our children. I know...ouch. But hey, Carpe’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new school year...and we are feeling good :)


I totally 💙 this part!! So, you can read all about the reasoning behind holding our first giveaway here, but selfishly I just had so much fun thinking about you when I was putting this together. During week one of the Summer Reboot, we had a breathe challenge. Afterward, I posted this on my personal FB page...

Then I made a checklist out of your comments and went shopping. So, this is actually a bag YOU put together for our winner today. Everyone give yourself a big pat on the really, go ahead. Remember, you can read all about how we selected our winner here, but I want to highlight just a few of our entries and what they had to say about participating in our very first Summer Reboot:

I loved your challenges, how creative they all are and how they stretched me--showing me new areas to change and growing places that were already big, to me. - Val, Sanford, FL

As I READ the blog, I could “feel/hear” your bubbly contagious and exuberant voice spurring me on to accept the challenge. I grinned from ear to ear. Then, lo & behold, I played the video and actually SAW your cute face! What a DELIGHT! You made my day. I was feeling a little down in the dumps today. Thanks so much for this beautiful tool, from the even-more-beautiful YOU! I’m gonna share this with my daughters & granddaughter. Thanks. - Belinda, Great Falls, MT

I think for me it was more taking notice of and taking care of the little things. Take care of it NOW! Not putting it off until "later " I've also been challenging myself to drink more water. Thanks for doing this! - Patti, Orlando, FL

I was not able to follow along live, but I’m catching up now. Inspiring, good stuff that hangs with me during the day and helps me direct a healthy course of action. I appreciate you. - Lisa, LeRoy, IL

Now, please join me in a drumroll as I read from our winner…

I loved the real and raw aspect of this reboot the most. That for me was most important, no filters, just truth, standing in my truth and knowing that I wasn't alone.
I was surprised by how participating in an online community of supportive, loving, and genuine people would feel. The feeling of belonging and working together with a common daily goal in mind was somehow comforting. It is the first time I've done something like this and I am proud of myself for being vulnerable and opening up.
It was also surprising the difference these little daily changes made in my overall attitude. I found that my sense of accomplishment was heightened. And though I accomplish a great deal in business each day, I found that I neglected time for personal growth. The idea of doing something small each day wasn't overwhelming (this was doable) and now I am more confident in my ability to step away for an hour - understanding the difference it will make.

Please join me in congratulating the winner of our very first giveaway, a member of our own Infuse Tribe, and right here from Central Florida...Miss Pam H!!!

and the tribe goes wild 👏👏🏼👏🏾 👏👏🏼👏🏾


Now what, Joey? Whatcha gonna do now that this whole “reboot thing” is over?

Interesting that you asked, you know I have been thinking a whole lot about this lately. I started The Infuse Project in 2014 as a way to reach women in crisis with personal development tools and business coaching they might not otherwise have access to. Over the last four years, I have determined that no matter our circumstances, we all end up as a “woman in crisis” and some point or points in our life...myself included. To some, I may currently be considered a “woman in crisis”, lol. To others I may be just the flashlight they needed to see through the dark and into a hope they may not have seen yet...or perhaps saw, but had no idea had to get there. That’s what I want...I desperately want, no NEED, to get to matter where she is. To take every tool I have ever put my hands on, lay it at her feet and help her take her next step towards a life of purpose, passion and profitability.

After struggling for four years to get this "little non-profit" off the ground, one thing I’ve learned for certain...I am not alone in wanting to make a difference in this world and still needing to pay my bills.

Yes Joey, but how in the world do I get from here to there. How long is that going to take?’

We all have questions...and the truth is, I do not even have close to half of the answers. But, what I do have, I am more than happy to share with you.

So...this month I will be launching a blogumentary about my journey to creating a life of purpose and passion...WHILE trying to keep my lights on. Right here (and in my Secret Stash), I will share my favorite educational resources, business tools, the giggles and grit it takes to keep this machine going...and frankly a true storytelling of what happens if and when, this machine ever stops.

Keep a look-out for silly shares, live podcasts, guest contributors, real people interviews and full out confetti fun-ness. Don’t miss your chance to watch The Infuse Project, learn from our success/failure and celebrate with us as we push towards the goal to “infuse the world with the power of her story!”

With so much love,

Joey 🌼

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I am so humbled. I can't wait for coffee and plans on how we are going to continue to move forward together! Thank you so much for your friendship.

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