With a ton of giggles, some serious grit, and a few good friends a woman can absolutely change her life?
And no girl, not when everything is perfect and the stars are aligned and we have finally done this or that, quit this or that or (my favorite) bought this or that. I’m talking about now, right now, right where we are, no matter how messy, dark or imperfect that may be.
Yeah...way easier said than done, right? Well, it can’t hurt to keep reading, I mean what’s the worst that can happen? You might learn a couple new things about life, about yourself, or about business. You might walk away just a little better prepared to handle the day-to-day struggles. You might meet a tribe of women just like you, struggling to find their voice, their authenticity, their purpose, their launching point. You will definitely walk just a little bit taller, and feel just a little bit stronger… I’m about to bust into a Christina Aguilera song here!
Ok, have you seen The Fifth Element? Action packed movie with Chris Tucker and Bruce Willis...love, love… in the movie a divine being needs to quickly get up to speed on present day civilization, like really super-fast. So, divine being scans the internet in hyper fast forward and is bombarded with images of violence, oppression, devastation, war, ya know… current events. It is so overwhelming to her she is overcome with sadness (and other stuff, you should totally watch it sometime).
This is exactly what happens to us. The world bombards our minds with images, memories, opinions, judgements, and experiences that shape not only what we believe we are capable of, but even how valuable we think we are. Why in the world should we let where we are today limit where we can go tomorrow?
What if...we could drown out all that negative noise by filling our lives with small, but rhythmic infusions of things that make us feel stronger, braver, nicer, more likely to be generous and certainly more connected. What if...we were so intentional about filling ourselves with that kind of stuff, that it began to overflow into the lives of those around us? Imagine...a ripple effect of strength, courage, kindness, adventure and generosity.
You might be wondering how in the world just one woman can motivate a revolution, from her kitchen office? Well, she can suit up everyday, possibly in workout pants and converse. She can train hard at the gym, in carpool and at the grocery store. She can infuse her mind with books, podcasts and videos; her body with protein, water and greens; and her spirit with lots of soulful conversation. Most importantly...she can learn to lead herself, hold herself accountable for her choices and commit to making new ones.
After a few wins (and many, many, many losses), she can begin to openly share her journey. Each chapter she shares paving the way for those around her that may find themselves in a similar struggle, space or season...and then she can do it all over again, and again, and again. The result...a courageous and power-filled tribe of women from every region and walk of life, suiting up, training hard, leading themselves, sharing their stories...and doing it again, and again...Viva La Revolution!
Imagine the woman you want to be, then BE her. - Queen Mother
Ladies, we already ARE her..suiting up, training hard, linking arms with sisters far and wide, exchanging resources and sharing our stories! C’mon now, grab your sword and shield (i.e. a pen and sunglasses), join this off the wall tribe of everyday warriors, and let's start infusing our lives with:
STRENGTH and energy
COURAGE to commit risky acts of bravery
KINDNESS to ourselves and others
ADVENTURE of all sorts
GENEROSITY...we need each other to win
Beginning this Monday, September 3rd, weekly infusions will include (your choice of):
The Battle Plan - A quick video strategy sesh to run down my personal plan of attack for the week. Delivered on Mondays via YouTube.
“Over the Hump” - Helping each other get over the midweek slump with a sweet serving of: things we love, things we've learned, OR (the very best) things we learned from each other/special guest posts. Delivered on Wednesday via email, be sure to check your "special" folders so you don't miss anything.
Friday Night Live - A super LIVE, conversational celebration of our week, raw discussion of our struggles and a little tribal Q&A on Facebook, Fridays at 4PM.
Saturday Swag Bag - A hand-wrapped, personal email delivery of every link, tool, article, resource, review and rebate I personally used to change my world this week. **This is an exclusive benefit for Infuse Tribe Members**
JOIN THE INFUSE PROJECT...and start a revolution of positive change in your world today!
WAIT...I get my choice of a weekly video, a weekly email, a weekly party AND a gift...FOR FREE?!
Yes ma’am. Infuse is a registered 501c3 and there is no cost associated with membership.
With love,
Your giggly, gritty, good friend in the kitchen